
Oral Research

 Dr. Aditya Goyal (presenting three topics)


1.      Prevalence of NSBVD among young adults of general population- who are not undergoing any treatment for NSBVD

2.      Correlation between DEM score, reading speed and academic performance in different pediatric age groups

3.     Construction and validation of a computerized program to measure visual acuity bi-ocularly without occluding the eyes - an innovative approach to binocular vision


Ewa Niechwiej-Szwedo, PhD  

TOPIC: Feasibility of using a kinematic assessment of fine motor skills in a clinical optometric setting for children

Oren Yehezkel, PhD  

TOPIC: An eye-tracking-based dichoptic home treatment for amblyopia is non-inferior to patching: a multicenter randomized clinical trial

Tiankun Li

TOPIC: Development and Evaluation of contact Lens Impact on the Chinese Version of the Quality of Life Questio

COPE Qualified: 83983-GO

*Updated 4/17/2023*