
We would like to acknowledge and thank the Developmental Optometrists, Vision Therapists, Optometric Residents, Optometry Students, as well as our Sponsors and Exhibitors for contributing to a wonderful meeting this year in Toronto, ON. As always, the meeting was filled with great educational opportunities, informative networking events, and wonderful social activities! Sending our appreciation to everyone who helped to make this year’s Annual Meeting a resounding success!

Looking for pics from the week in Toronto? Check out our photo galleries! Thanks to Maria at Black Ram Media for capturing these images of our COVD Family!

Gallery 1 I Gallery 2 I Gallery 3 I Gallery 4

Did you miss the chance to meet one of our Exhibitors? Find their information HERE.

Find our Sponsors HERE.

Continue viewing this website HERE.

Hope to see you all in San Francisco on April 9-13, 2024!